
Showing posts from April, 2019

What Shocked Me When I Visited Africa

When I was getting ready to travel to Malawi, Africa I had people throwing all kinds of advice at me – what clothing to take, what vaccinations to get, what else to pack. However, the most common piece of advice that I got was to prepare myself emotionally for what I what going to see. People starving, without water or clothes or even a roof above their heads, children begging for money with their stomachs bulging due to the fact that they hadn’t eaten in days, weeks even. These are things that, no matter how hard you try, you cannot prepare yourself for. There were things that I saw in Malawi that I will never forget. It’s one of the reasons that I was so keen to start up my own charity, Maggie’s Beautiful People Project . However, there was one thing that will haunt me for the rest of my life. In every town, every family, no matter where we visited, we were met with more generosity than I have experienced anywhere else. There were people starving, whose children hadn’t eaten in